Hoivatilat implements a day care centre for the City of Oulu with leasing model

Hoivatilat Plc was selected to implement a day care centre project in Hintta, Oulu. The acquisition of the day care centre and its yard areas is carried out with a lease model. The tender included architectural design, construction and rental pricing. The bids were evaluated based on both quality and price.
The economic situation in the public sector is challenging and more and more municipalities and cities are developing strategic guidelines for the utilisation of leased premises in their own operations. The utilisation of the lease model is based not only on economic grounds, but also on a modern and efficient way of implementing real estate projects. You don’t have to build and own all the premises yourself, because there are service providers on the market that specialize in building, owning and leasing real estate. The investment free lease model is one of the tools in use, which the municipal management utilises in the midst of large investment pressures”, says Jussi Vikman, Account Director of Hoivatilat.
The new day care centre in Hintta has 8 groups, two of which operate on a 24-hour basis. The day care centre will have a total of about 150 care places to meet the growing need for services in the area. The size of the day care centre building is approximately 2000 sqm. The lease has a duration of 25 years and a total value of approximately EUR 11 million.
”I am very happy that we can provide the Hintta day care centre project, as a service with lease model, to the City of Oulu. We have a very good experience of cooperating with the city, which provides an excellent starting point for this project. Interest towards the lease model has grown in the public sector in recent years. There are also a wide range of service providers, as seen in this tender. Nine bidders registered to the Hintta day care centre tender”, says Jussi Vikman.
The new day care centre in Hintta will be implemented on the site of the existing day care centre. Old buildings will be demolished by the landlord. The lease also includes property maintenance and cleaning services. The goal is to start operating the day care centre in January 2022.